Using Let’s Encrypt certificates on Namecheap shared hosting (with automatic updates!)

Using Let’s Encrypt certificates on Namecheap’s shared hosting is one of those tricky things that there are a couple tutorials for, but you’re not sure if they’re up to date, or even if they’ll work for you. Since this blog is for documenting those kinds of weird situations I find myself in and how I handled them, why not start with an issue I faced while setting it up?

This will be applicable to anyone with Namecheap’s shared hosting with cPanel. I’ve used it for the old “value” hosting plan, and the current “stellar” plan. This site is running WordPress, installed via the Softaculous installer in cPanel.

The first thing you’ll need to do is enable SSH access to your account. Namecheap has an article on how to do this. Once that’s done, SSH in with your preferred client. Now we need to install, a client to handle the generation and installation of the certificates:

git clone
cd ./
./ --install

Easy enough. Now start a new Bash shell so that we get in our PATH. Just run bash, no need to disconnect and reconnect. Before we proceed, though, I found that wiped out my crontab, including the scheduled Softaculous backups. If you have anything in your crontab, I suggest you back it up. Done? Now we’re ready to generate and install the certs! The commands are as follows. You can pass -d to each as many times as you like, for each subdomain you’ll be using. Of course, substitute your own domain for mine. --issue -d -d -w $HOME/public_html/ --install-cert -d -d --deploy -d -d --deploy-hook cpanel_uapi

At this point the certs have been generated and installed to your website. You’ll probably need to open a different browser to confirm, as the one you’re in has probably cached the self-signed certificate. If all went well, it will show secure, and inspecting the certificate should show that it was issued by Let’s Encrypt! Your regular browser will show the updated certificate once it decides to check for a new one.

If you had something in your crontab already, you can now restore it. You’ll notice that there’s a new line in there for This scheduled task will run daily to check your cert and automatically renew it as necessary. As an aside, I noticed that the path to the script had quotes around it. Since I wasn’t sure if that was correct, I edited it to remove them, leaving the quotes around the path to the directory. The final line looked like this: 31 0 * * * /home/username/ --cron --home "/home/username/"

Hope that makes it easy for anyone reading, or for myself in the future. Feel free to leave questions or comments below!

8 Replies to “Using Let’s Encrypt certificates on Namecheap shared hosting (with automatic updates!)”

  1. Thanks, saved me a lot of trouble. Stupid Namecheap trying to push their paid PositiveSSL certificates on me!

  2. Thanks for this, found it helpful but I had a verify error when trying to issue the certs. Any pointers?

  3. Thanks, this was helpful, but it would be even better if the warning about backing up the crontab came before running

  4. Result on Namecheap shared hosting: cpanel > SSL/TLS Status:

    Domain Validated
    Expires on July 28, 2021. The certificate will not renew via AutoSSL because it was not issued via AutoSSL.

    Is this Let’s Encrypt ACMEv2?

  5. Does this work for multiple domains, that are added with add on domains? Will it check for all the domains to be updated?

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